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Spiritual direction

LIstening and Sharing


Silence & Reflection

Sitting in the Word

Our one on one mentoring has several distinctives from other Spiritual Direction Services:

  • We operate under the leading of the Holy Spirit from a Classic Christian and Evangelical perspective. We believe the Word of God & The Holy Spirit (Spirit & Truth) is infallible and the basis for guiding a person in their walk with Jesus Christ.  We do not interpret the Bible form the lens of culture, but we do interpret the culture through the use of the Holy Bible.

  • We believe a worker is worth their wages. We have compassion on people from "at-risk," backgrounds who might not be able to afford Spiritual Direction and therefore money should not be an issue.  Although scholarships are available - we charge $25 a half hour.  Ideally, a one hour meeting is suggested on a weekly or twice monthly basis.  Directees will pay for a month in advance. 

  • What to expect?  Expect to share your story, take some time to listen to the Holy Spirit.  Expect a non-judgmental environment where somebody will care for your soul, help you listen to God and observe what he is doing in your world and in the world around you.  This is not a quick fix but a life-long process of growing closer to Jesus Christ.

  • Men meeet with men and women meet with women

  • Meeting location will vary, typically the meeting will take place at the Vineyard Center of Arizona in Queen Creek, AZ - though secondary locations can be picked.



Sometimes a church finds it helpful to bring in a Spiritual Director to one of their retreats to offer "periods of time," for group reflection.  These can look like "wait on the Lord," times or meditation on the Word of God through ignatian spiritual excercises and a "Lectio Divina."


Spiritual Directors can also listen and observe meeting and give encouraging reflections and questions for the church group to consider based on what he or she is observing.


Spiritual Directors can be available for a whole day - $200, or for a weekend $300.

Our goals.


  1. To know and be known by God

  2. To help others hear and practice the presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives daily

  3. To root people in the truth of the Word of God

  4. To help people live loved and be the Love of God to others




Our beliefs


  1. We affirm the trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  One God in three persons.

  2. We believe in the present work of the Holy Spirit in our lives

  3. We affirm the holiness and effectiveness of the Word of God.  We follow Classic Christian practices and beliefs.

  4. We believe in the substitionary work of Christ on the cross - for the forgiveness of sin and the redemption of mankind.

  5. It is by grace we are saved through faith - and this is not a work of our own.

  6. We are committed to the great commission - to make disciples and followers of Jesus Christ

  7. We affirm the use of the local church as a means of building the Kingdom of God


Leadership Qualities/Managment Skills/Create Ideal Corporate Culture/Giving & Receving Feedback/Team Building/Effectivity

Sometimes a business would like their employees to reflect on higher principals that are true regardless of their spiritual background.  Spiritual Directors can be useful in bringing "parable-like," reflection - that is rooted in Christian Principals but not help in the trappings of "Christian-ese."


These reflecting times are useful for helping a corporation understand what is holding them back, and how they can develop a team-spirit and values that are beneficial for helping run a company in a healthy and helpful way.

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